Question by wisewoman: Yahoo Personals: A Gateway to Cheating on your Spouse?
We have suffered, world over, fom the mis-use of Yahoo Personals and similar dating web sites.
The fault lays with members who mis-represent their marital status and the fools they pull into their personal “hidden” Yahoo Personal paid accounts. The site has made it so easy, and terribly inviting for pedifiles, the lonely or middle aged men to”surf” the web and get trapped into situations they do not have the morals, commitment to their wives, families or the decency to avoid. Many of the respondendents were underage, foreign or trying to get money out of an old man. They got my house and I was left homeless.
Thank you, Yahoo Personals! There is NO way to report this kind of deviant behavior to you, I tried. It does make a profit for your company. Profits are the bottom line, as in any business.
To those “searching”, be careful of what you “find” on Yahoo Personals! Yahoo Personals is a 1st door to a world of porn and cheating,I was left homeless, thank you Yahoo!
Best answer:
Answer by the big bopper
damn your doing pretty good for a homeless man on the web, it must be nice.
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